Sunday Morning
Jesus says in Matthew 19:14, "Let the little children come to me..." We love and celebrate each child and believe that every life is important.
Your children are welcome to stay with you during the worship service, but childcare is available, and you may find that they would be more comfortable in the children's departments.
Our nursery and preschool/kindergarten classrooms are equipped with video cameras and require that children be checked in and out by an adult as a safety precaution.
Both the nursery and preschool/kindergarten classrooms are located on the lower level on the east side of the building.
Children can be dropped off after 10:30 a.m. Parents can pick them up from their classrooms immediately following the service.
Elementary - Middle School
Worship Service
Kids attend the church service with their families at 10:45 a.m. Just before the sermon, they will be dismissed to meet their teachers in the foyer.
Sunday School
During the sermon, the kids will play games and hear a Bible story or missionary story.
Pathway Kids' Club
Every Sunday night during the school year, from 6:00-7:30 p.m., kids whose parents are involved in adult ministries will meet in the fellowship hall to play with their teachers and fellow students. Then there will be worship and a short lesson, games, a snack, and a discussion time.
Summer Pathway Kids' Club
Every June, GSBC hosts a five-day kids' camp where the kids come to play games, worship, make crafts, memorize scripture, hear Bible stories, and make memories! Contact the church office for more information.